Updating Beautiful Jekyll

Pretty easy, all in all!

This website is made with a Jekyll offshoot called ‘Beautiful Jekyll’. This is because I really wanted a static site for security, but didn’t like how my website design stuff worked out, especially with the fact that I had to do so much of it by hand.

This is a chill personal blog. I don’t need or want anything fancier, and I wanted to use Github Pages for it (so I don’t have a hosting cost). And I really like how this theme looks!

So I hadn’t updated this since 2018. Didn’t even know how to. There’s a simple ‘how to’ on their website though, it’s basically: “Step 1: sync your fork. Step 2: re-add your config files. Step 3: Make sure github pages builds right.”

… So I went through that! No issues really, other than short downtime from github pages needing to sync after I did the update (which deleted my posts and all customizations automatically). If this was more serious I would figure out a way to temporarily show an under construction snapshot, or (more realistically) would just make a new upgrade branch, pull in, and do my changes, and then change there. But again: The whole purpose of this is to be very simple to edit and change. So. Nah. :p

If you are looking for a personal site … I’d recommend it honestly!

Tags: website
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